Keeping Big Brother Away From Your Bitcoin
How Private is Bitcoin? A lot more private than your banking information. Especially with banks giving Equifax customers data to leak and never really apologizing. There was no alternative for banking customers other than to accept the bank will give all their...
Capital One and Equifax – Removing Privacy from Banking in America
warned customers that 100 million people’s personal information may have been lost in yet another bank hack. This comes after Equifax’s 2017 data breach gave 147 million peoples credit information

7 Razones Para Invertir en Bitcoin en 2019
Invertir o no invertir. Ése es el dilema al que muchas personas se enfrentan hoy en día al intentar decidir si Bitcoin (o cualquier otra criptomoneda) vale la pena. Con los altos y bajos que bitcoin ha tenido desde que se volvió mainstream, ¿deberías invertir tu...
7 Reasons to Invest in Bitcoin in 2019
To invest or not to invest. That’s the dilemma that a lot of people have nowadays when trying to decide if Bitcoin (or any alt-coin) is worth their long-term investment. With the highs and lows that bitcoin has had since it became mainstream, should you invest in...
Cómo Usar Bitcoin para Mandar Dinero a México Desde Estados Unidos
English Version Uno de los beneficios más atractivos de una moneda descentralizada como Bitcoin es la libertad de poder usarlo en cualquier país cruzando fronteras y pagando ínfimas cantidades de cargos por el servicio. Éste es un gran beneficio para aquellos que...
How To Use Bitcoin – Sending Money to Mexico from the USA
No more risks. No more half-owning your money. With bitcoin you can send money from the United States to Mexico in a matter of minutes, paying tiny fees, just follow these steps:

Why would anyone buy bitcoin?
1. Currency accepted globally Paying foreign exchange fee’s or having the currency of another country after you’ve travelled somewhere isn’t enjoyable or cheap for everyone. $5 Trillion dollars daily moves through foreign exchange trade. Imagine the...
Buying Bitcoin at the “Right Price” for Beginners
“The best time to get into bitcoin was yesterday, the second best time is today” is the rallying call of more than a few maximalists. People new to buying bitcoin have to look at the historical data of when the “best time” to buy would have...
Hitler and Trumps Bank – Still Breaking the Law
Deutsche Bank was looking to purchase a competitor in the United States, when the financing of Auschwitz and helping Nazi’s sell stolen gold during WW2 became an “issue” for them. Like the kind hearted German bankers